Here is the list for October 15-16th, 2010 - the main post for May Dreams Carol's monthly floral celebration of
Garden Bloggers Bloom Day should soon appear at my main blog,
the Transplantable Rose. I keep the comprehensive lists with best tries at botanical names here at Annie's Addendum. These lists may not get much traffic, but they are an invaluable resource for me as garden records.

Abelia chinensis/Abelia, 3 of the 4 white shrubs - varying numbers of flowers
Abelia chinensis one of 2 medium-sized pink shrubs - a few flowers
Abelia chinensis 'Edward Goucher' smaller pink shrub - a few flowers
Abutilon hybridum 'Patrick's', think it's named after Patrick Kirwin - one flower
Ageratina havanensis, syn Eupatorium havanense /Fragrant white mistflower- buds but no open flowers
Asclepias curassavica, tropical milkweed - several blooming plants
Aster frikartii 'Wonder of Staffa'. One of 3 surviving plants has flowers
Barleria cristata/Philippine cristata three plants - one flower.
Buddleia davidii Pink Butterfly Bush - a few flowers
Buddleja lindleyana/ Weeping butterfly bush - a few flowers
Canna americanallis 'Bengal Tiger' syn 'Praetoria' - a couple of flowers
Capsicum annuum – garden peppers- many flowers
Catharanthus roseus - annual vinca- white- one surviving plant in bloom
Chrysactinia mexicana , damianita, native yellow daisy - 2 unestablished, very small plants with a couple of flowers
Clerodendrum ugandense – Blue butterfly flower- two plants have flowers. I took this photo in shade and the color came out aqua- not what my eye saw!

Clitoria ternatea- the Blue Butterfly Pea - still in bloom but the flowers are slightly smaller now
Conoclinium greggii, Gregg’s Mistflower - many flowers and many butterflies, click the top photo and see a couple of them
Cosmos sulphureus, reseeding annual - new plant in bloom, with many flowers glowing orange when the morning sun first hits them

Cuphea ignea, orange Cigar flower - a few flowers
Cuphea llavea – small pink & lavender form - finally in full bloom
Cuphea llavea –red & purple ‘Batfaced’- two plants, non stop flowers
Dendranthema x grandiflora?. - ordinary cushion mums blooming pink in Entrance garden and yellow in back
Eriobotrya japonica, Loquat, Japanese Plum - buds beginning to appear
Euphorbia 'Diamond Frost', two plants - non-stop tiny white flowers
Evolvulus glomeratus, Blue Daze - one plant in patio container full bloom
Gaura lindheimerii ‘The Bride’ native - blooming in front beds
Gaura lindheimerii, unknown tall rose-pink variety (‘Pink Cloud’?) - blooming in front beds
Hedychium coronarium/ Hawaiian White Ginger - couple of open flowers and a few budding
Helianthus, unknown, gigantic, annual sunflower - remaining plant still has a few flowers
Impatiens walleriana, bedding impatiens - blooming here and there in containers
Ipomoea alba, Moon flower vine - still making a flower or two every night

Ipomoea quamoclit, Cypress vine, reseeding annual - many, many small flowers on self-seeded vines

Justicia spicigera/ Mexican Honeysuckle - see only buds
Lagerstroemia indica, hot pink crepe myrtles (5 trees) - a few stray flowers
Lagerstroemia x hybrida ‘Acoma’ white crepe myrtles (2 trees); a few stray flowers
Lantana, unknown varieties upright lavender and trailing white, all in bloom
Lathyrus odoratus, sweet peas 'Royal Wedding'
Lavandula intermedia 'Provence', fragrant in container - not many flowers but always a few open every day
Lobularia maritime, Sweet alyssum - reseeded in hanging baskets and blooming again
Lonicera sempervirens, coral honeysuckle - a few flowers
Lycopersicon lycopersicum, tomatoes - 'Sun Gold' cherry tomatoes buds, flowers and tiny tomatoes
Malpighia glabra/ Barbados Cherry - a few buds but no open flowers
Malvaviscus arboreus var. drummondii/Turkscap or Red Wax Mallow - 2 plants, many flowers
Malvaviscus arboreus var. drummondii, white form of Turkscap/Wax Mallow - 2 ratty-looking plants with a handful of flowers
Malvaviscus 'Pam Puryear', Pam's Pink Turkscap - one bloom... have been a few over the last couple of weeks but think it's in too much shade
Melampodium leucanthum / Blackfoot daisy, in several beds - tired looking in backyard but look terrific in front
Muhlenbergia capillaris, Gulf Muhly grass, pink-flowered - just lovely!
Ocimum basilicum, Basil - 'Spicy Globe'
Osmanthus fragrans/Sweet olive all three established shrubs are flowering - this is their season to bloom and scent the garden
Oxalis crassipes 'Alba' (dotted around and in containers) a couple of flowers
Oxalis regnellii 'Atropurpurea' (dotted around and in containers) a couple of flowers
Pavonia lasiopetala, pink rock rose- non-stop
Pelargonium hybrid, 'Fantasia Salmon', zonal geranium in breakfast room window a few flowers
Perovskia atriplicifolia, Russian Sage - some flowers again
Phlox paniculata 'John Fanick' - bought spring 2010 - having another bloom session
Piper auritum/Hoja Santa or Rootbeer Plant - 2 plants have flowers
Platycodon grandiflorus, Blue Balloon Flower - plant at end of veranda has flowers
Platycodon 'Miss Tilly' one of 3 plants has flowers
Plumbago auriculata - non-stop flowers, rather rampant growth
Plumeria unknown species/Frangipani, creamy yellow - just a couple of flowers
Poliomintha bustamanta, Mexican oregano (3 plants),
all one in front blooming
Rosa 'Belinda's Dream', Pink shrub rose- a dozen flowers from bud to blown
Rosa ‘Champagne’ mini rose, delicate pink , two plants - has releafed and made flowers
Rosa floribunda ‘Julia Child’, butter-yellow rose - a handful of flowers and a few buds
Rosa 'Mutabilis' - plant in back has pecan shade, so only a few flowers; plant in front gets more sun- huge & covered in flowers

Rosa 'Red Cascade', mini-climber bought in spring - a couple of feet tall and 4 flowers
Rosa /unnamed apricot mini-rose, a few flowers .
Rosmarinus officinalis 'Prostratus' - Prostrate Rosemary, many pale blue flowers
Rosemarinus officianalis, upright Rosemary - quite a few tiny white flowers
Russelia equisetiformis, Firecracker plant - older plant in bloom, younger one not
Salvia coccinea, red Hummingbird sage - reseeded and a few have flowers
Salvia coccinea, white Hummingbird sage - reseeded, flowers and buds
Salvia coccinea ‘Coral Nymph’, coral pink Hummingbird sage- saw one reseeded plant in Secret Garden
Salvia elegans/Pineapple sage two plants - enormous and many, many vibrant red flowers

Salvia farinacea, Mealy Blue sage, wandlike flowers - doing well this year!
Salvia greggii, some plants get more sun so have more flowers; colors include white, cream, rose, cherry-red, orchid purple & lipstick red
Salvia guaranitica, Majestic blue sage - next to garage have recuperated and rebloomed
Salvia guaranitica 'Black and Blue' - some flowers in back - doing great in front
Salvia leucantha, Mexican Bush Sage - blooming well near garage door
Salvia madrensis, Forsythia sage - buds on two plants but no open flowers
Salvia microphylla 'Hot Lips' three plants - not full bloom but quite a few.... leaves sparser than they should be
Salvia vanhoutii SYN Salvia splendens var 'Van Houttei' - enormous and covered in burgundy flowers
Salvia X 'Nuevo Leon' - used to be more plants, but the few survivors do have small violet flowers
Scutellaria indica 'Dorota Blue' Blue evergreen groundcover skullcap - made it through summer and is in full bloom
Scutellaria suffrutescens, pink skullcap, two plants dependable pink bloomer
Scutellaria suffrutescens alba? - just a couple of stray flowers
Scutellaria unlabeled purplish pink skullcap in parkway has flowers
Scutellaria wrightii? a blue skullcap in parkway in bloom
Sedum, tall passalongs that look like a paler version of Autumn Joy - buds opening into pink flowers
Sedum, little varieties with white flowers
Tagetes lucida, Mexican Mint Marigold, Texas Tarragon, first flowers opening now
Tetraneuris scaposa, four nerve daisy Hymenoxys - only see 2 flowers
Tradescantia geniculata, groundcover , now in rebloom
Tradescantia pallida, syn Setcresea pallida/ Purple Heart, some lavender flowers;
Verbena bonariensis - a few survivors blooming wimpily.
Zinnia linearis/ syn Zinnia angustifolia, several plants, but not many flowers - pecan tree shade has moved to that area.
The main Garden Bloggers Bloom Day post is now up at the Transplantable Rose