Whether or not anyone else reads this, having the lists as references has been invaluable to me.
1] Anemone heterophylla 10-petalled anemone, thimbleweed
2] Antirrhinum majus Yellow snapdragons buds only
3] Calibrachoa hybrids, annual, Millionbelles, already had buds when I bought them
4] Camellia japonica 'Pius IX', rose-red camellia one flower and a couple of buds
5] Cercis canadensis var 'Forest Pansy' redbud just a few flower buds
6] Cercis canadensis var texensis redbud many buds and a few blooms
7] Citrus x meyeri Meyer's Improved Lemon, tree in ground, many buds and a few flowers
8] Citrus aurantifolia? Mexican lime, tree in ground, many buds and a few flowers
9] Clematis hybrid 'Ramona', on fence trellis, maybe a dozen buds elongating
10] Clematis unknown hybrid, buds only on trellis next to back door
11] Coriandrum sativum Cilantro - couple of plants sending up bud stalks
12] Cyclamen persicum florist’s cyclamen hybrid in bloom on kitchen table
13] Dianthus – red ‘Telstar’ hybrids blooming in a couple of containers
14] Gelsemium sempervirens Carolina Jessamine still opening flowers
15] Hippeastrum hybrid/ ‘Red Dragon’ amaryllis has a bud
16] Hydrangea quercifolia 'Snow Queen' Oakleaf hydrangea - buds just expanding
17] Ilex antherone? Chinese holly in flower and attracting bees
18] Ilex cornuta 'Burfordii' Burford Holly buds ready to go
19] Iris albicans? Simple white, early bearded iris in full bloom

21] Iris X germanica hybrid 'Amethyst Flame' some open flowers, many buds
22] Lavendula 'Goodwin Creek' Lavender one flower spike
23] Lobularia maritime Sweet alyssum
24] Lonicera sempervirens coral honeysuckle covered in flowers
25] Loropetalum chinense Chinese Witch Hazel, Chinese Fringe Flower, Razzle-Dazzle just finished and opening new leaves
26] Lunaria annua Money plant, Honesty, a couple of florets beginning
27] Lupinus texensis Bluebonnet a few flowers coloring up
28] Lycopersicon lycopersicum tomatoes still in containers - a few flowers
29] Magnolia figo AKA Michelia figo Banana Shrub many buds
30] Melampodium leucanthum Blackfoot daisy just starting to flower
31] Muscari armeniacum grape hyacinth a few flowers
32] Narcissus triandrus 'Thalia' white daffodil
33] Osmanthus fragrans Sweet olive shrub, three established shrubs pouring out fragrance from tiny white blossoms.
34] Oxalis crassipes 'Alba' , shamrock flower, white (dotted around and in containers) in bloom
35] Oxalis regnellii 'Atropurpurea' Shamrock flower, burgundy(dotted around and in containers) in bloom
36] Pelargonium hybrid, 'Fantasia Salmon', zonal geranium blooming in breakfast room window
37] Petunia hybrids, blooming in containers
38] Phlox drummondii Annual Phlox , not planted yet, blooming in pots
39] Phlox sublata Creeping phlox in lavender blue, flowering in front
40] Ranunculus hybrids, florist buttercups, bulbs planted fall 2007 a few buds
41] Ranunculus mixed hybrids, florist buttercups, planted fall 2009 buds
42] Ranunculus hybrids, pink selection, florist buttercups, planted fall 2009 buds
43] Rosa 'Belinda's Dream', Pink shrub rose- handful of buds
44] Rosa floribunda ‘Julia Child’, butter-yellow rose, buds

46] Rosa unnamed apricot mini-rose, buds.
47] Rosa unknown variety/ tall pink climbing rose, small buds
48] Rosmarinus 'Huntington Carpet' dwarf groundcover rosemary
49] Rosmarinus officinalis 'Prostratus' - Prostrate Rosemary, covered in pale blue flowers
50] Rosemarinus officianalis upright Rosemary
51] Salvia greggii Gregg's Sage in 'Navajo White', cream, and cherry red
52] Scabiosa columbaria ‘Butterfly Blue’/Dwarf Blue Pincushion Flower, buds
53] Sophora secudiflora SYN Calia secundiflora Texas Mountain Laurel in bloom!
54] Spiraea cantoniensis - guessing name for long-leaved Bridal Wreath spiraeas wonderful!
55] Spiraea X vanhouteii guessing name for rounder-leaved Bridal wreath just beginning
56] Tulipa clusiana species tulip has buds
57] Tulipa clusiana 'Cynthia' species tulip in pink garden one bud showing
58] Viola spp– various hybrids of Pansies and violas in containers and hanging baskets
One year ago today we had a tremendous hailstorm. This year we still face the possibility of frosts so the tomato plants are going back in the garage overnight!
I have Rosa mutabilis now, entirely because I learned about it from you. I believe it's the only plant I've added to my garden after reading about it on a garden blog. Watching it bloom constantly at Cercis Circus sold me.
I planted it between a lemon bush and the deck stairs. I couldn't determine with absolute certainty how it grows, so I'm just going to let it do its thing and see if it works. It can meander into the lemon or mound on the deck railing, or both.
How cool! Should I worry if the Mutabilis doesn't do well for you, Chuck?
The Mutabilis in a big patio container has stayed medium size but the one in the newer bed in front has room to grow so it did. They don't seem to mind pruning - see them pruned severely in public gardens.
The Divas of the Dirt were great plant enablers long before I got into blogs, but the Zanthan Gardens blog made me buy the Meyer's Lemons & Spanish Squills. I see things on your blog that are tempting but they always seem a little too tender for NW Austin.
Annie, that outrageously amazing long list left me wanting some pictures of all those wonderful things in bloom. Would love to see the clematis, especially. My Meyer Lemon lost many of its flowers and baby lemons in the recent freeze. I left it out cause I was just too darned tired of dragging things inside. I guess I won't get too many lemons this year after all cause of my laziness.
That's such a satisfyingly long list. I start making such lists (not quite so long though) at the beginning of the season and then my recordkeeping fizzles in a few weeks. Once upon a time I started a spreadsheet with color-coded blocks for each plant representing weeks (or was it days?) of bloom. That too is defunct.
I wish I knew the species of the Bridal Wreath spiraea I see blooming around central Virginia on old homesites. One of these days I'm going to work up enough nerve to snip a few cuttings from some out-of-the-way shrub.
Camellia japonica 'Pius IX', rose-red camellia one flower and a couple of buds flowering shrubs
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