Abelia chinensis , two white shrubs covered in flowers, two white shrubs blooming lightly, two pink shrubs blooming lightly;
Anisacanthus quadrifidus var. wrightii, Flame acanthus from Pam/Digging doing really well;
Antirrhinum majus, Two plants of these yellow snapdragons have bloomed since Christmas;

Aster frikartii 'Wonder of Staffa'. Four plants in four different areas - one in sunniest spot is in full bloom, others making buds.
Barleria cristata/Philippine cristata three blooming plants. The open flowers were a mess from the rain so I didn't photograph them.

Bulbine frutescens 'Yellow', have increased and are reblooming;
Canna ‘Bengal Tiger’ several plants – a few flowers
Capsicum annuum – some of the garden peppers have buds & flowers, and several have small peppers-in-progress;
Clematis hybrid 'Ramona', in container, one flower plus buds;
Clematis unknown hybrid, handful of purple flowers left;
Clerodendrum ugandense – Blue butterfly flower. (Royal Horticultural Society says it's Clerodendrum myricoides 'Ugandense', nicknamed Blue Cat's Whiskers) One plant that is now like a shrub with flower heads in all stages of bud and bloom. It's nearly 5-feet tall!
Clitoria ternatea- the Blue Butterfly Pea, annual vine blooming non-stop for months;

Cuphea ignea, Cigar flower, covered in tiny orange flowers
Cuphea llavea – small pink & lavender form (two plants), covered in tiny flowers
Cuphea llavea –red & purple ‘Batfaced’, covered in flowers
Cuphea llavea 'Georgia Scarlet', covered in red-orange & purple flowers;
Delosperma cooperi ? Dark pink flowered hardy ice plant, spreading over gravel walk in Pink Garden;
Dendranthema x grandiflora?. - ordinary cushion mums in several places, blooming muddy pink, dirty white, and plain yellow
Dianthus – several colors of ‘Telstar’ hybrids in assorted containers responding to cooler temperatures by flowering;
Evolvulus glomeratus, Blue Daze, several plants, most with flowers;
Gaura lindheimerii ‘The Bride’ (two plants), some white flowers on long wands
Gaura lindheimerii, unknown tall rose-pink variety (‘Pink Cloud’?), many flowers
Impatiens walleriana, bedding impatiens. The surviving plants are all blooming strongly.
Ipomoea alba, Moon flower vine, one or two flowers a day

Ipomoea quamoclit, Cypress vine, covered in flowers, making it hard to get from back door to patio;
Jatropha integerrima 'Compacta' - one tiny budded bloom stalk
Lantana, unknown varieties both upright and trailing – pink & yellow, white and gold, all rebounding with weather and in bloom;
Lavandula intermedia 'Provence', at least a dozen wands of fragrant flowers
Lavandula multifida, many, many flower wands on this fernleafed lavender- too bad they don't smell like lavender;
Lobularia maritime, Sweet alyssum, a couple of old tired plants but blooming since late winter;
Lycopersicon lycopersicum, I pulled many of the tomatoes - ‘Juliet’ and 'Celebrity' have blossoms;
Malvaviscus arboreus var. drummondii, many red flowers on two plants;
Malvaviscus arboreus var. drummondii, white form in Secret Garden, two plants with lots of flowers;
Ocimum basilicum, Basil – keep trying and I keep clipping;
Osmanthus fragrans/Sweet olive two more established shrubs pouring our fragrance from tiny white blossoms. The one planted this spring not in bloom yet;
Oxalis crassipes 'Alba' (dotted around and in containers), several blooming
Oxalis regnellii 'Atropurpurea' (dotted around and in containers), a few flowers;
Pelargonium – various containers of bedding geraniums in white & coral, outdoors and indoors, red and coral doing well, whites not so good;
Perovskia atriplicifolia, Russian Sage (two beds), lots of flowers, foliage looking tired;
Petunia multiflora? Some plants died on old-fashioned petunia, others blooming;
Piper auritum/Hoja Santa or Rootbeer Plant has made several odd wand-shaped white flowers
Platycodon 'Fugi White', a few flowers
Platycodon grandiflorus - only plants blooming are near veranda;
Platycodon 'Miss Tilly' (3 plants), still a couple of flowers;
Platycodon 'Sentimental Blue', has some flowers but should be cut back to encourage rebloom
Plumbago auriculata (two shrubs), growing and opening pale blue flowers for months;
Plumeria sp, only pale yellow has blooms - guess rose red is done for year;
Poliomintha longiflora, Mexican oregano (3 plants), all blooming;
Portulaca - about a dozen assorted Moss Roses and Flowering Purslanes with rain-beaten flowers;

Rivina humilis , Pigeon Berry, no flowers, just berries;
Rosa ‘Julia Child’, just finishing a big bloom - think some new buds are forming;

Rosmarinus officinalis 'Prostratus' - a flurry of tiny blue flowers;
Ruellia brittoniana 'Katy' a couple of flowers left;
Salvia coccinea, had to chop back both plants and red flowers - smothering neighbors!
Salvia coccinea, white, a couple of flowers left;
Salvia coccinea ‘Coral Nymph’ , most plants out of bloom but were recently cut back;
Salvia elegans, Pineapple sage - blooming but flowers soggy in rain;
Salvia farinacea, still making flowers but are crowded by Asclepias and Blue Pea vine;
Salvia greggii , blooming white, red and cherry;
Salvia guaranitica, a few flowers - were cut back a few weeks ago so should make new buds;
Salvia guaranitica 'Black and Blue', several places - in front bed blooming like mad, just recovering from chopping in back fence bed;
Salvia leucantha, one large plant from Diva Karla in bloom;
Salvia leucantha hybrid - small, with a few flowers;
Salvia microphylla 'Hot Lips', starting rebloom after weather change;
Salvia X 'Nuevo Leon', there were more plants but a few died -survivors in light bloom;
Salvia regla/Mountain sage has lovely red-orange tubular flowers. It's a small plant now but Bill at Prairie Point says it can be a very large shrub;
Scutellaria suffrutescens, pink skullcap (2 plants), lots of tiny blooms;
Scutellaria wrightii, there are 3 plants - only one plant has any flowers;
Tagetes lucida, Mexican Mint Marigold, one plant in full bloom; the other just starting;
Tradescantia geniculata, in front woodland border it never stops making tiny white flowers;
Tradescantia pallida, syn Setcresea pallida/ Purple Heart, many lavender flowers;
Tricyrtis, Toad Lily, the species in not known but there are buds!
Verbena bonariensis – some plants died, some chopped back, some going to seed, a few still blooming;
Zinnia –rose red hybrid, pulled up all but one with a couple of left;
Zinnia linearis/ syn Zinnia angustifolia, the plants I bought in spring have grown into mounds and are covered in white flowers. There are also a few small plants that seeded from last year's plants.
1 comment:
What a great list of flowers. You are a true plantswoman!
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