2015 February BLOOM DAY LIST
The main post for Garden Bloggers Bloom Day is at the Transplantable Rose - here's the List.
Buxus, unknown hybrids, Boxwood Don't see flowers but can smell them so there must be few hidden blossoms
Camellia japonica 'Pius IX', rose-red camellia - almost all buds have opened, some dropped - quite spectacular!
Camellia sasanqua 'Shishi Gashira' - couple of faded flowers hanging on
Cercis canadensis var 'Forest Pansy' just swelling and showing tiny glimpse of pink
Citrus x meyeri, Meyer's Improved Lemon, in pot, Lemon in breakfast room has buds, flowers, tiny fruit
Dianthus – ‘Telstar’ hybrids in containers - couple of red flowers, one on patio, one in color garden
Gelsemium sempervirens, Carolina Jessamine -lots of buds and blooms
Hyacinth French Blue, buds with color just starting to rise above base leaves.
Hyacinth 'Woodstock'/ purple fragrant hyacinth - one flower near Ladybanks arch
Hydrangea quercifolia 'Snow Queen' Oakleaf hydrangea - can see buds forming
Iris albicans? Simple white, early bearded iris - one bud showing color
Justicia brandegeana, Pink Shrimp plant in Secret Garden - a few battered blossoms
Justicia spicigera/ Mexican Honeysuckle - some light bloom
Kalanchoe blossfeldiana? Florist's Kalanchoe, two plants - light bloom in windowsill
Lantana, unknown varietiety of trailing white- a few flowers on white lantana in a sheltered spot
Loropetalum chinense/ Chinese Witch Hazel, Chinese Fringe Flower, Razzle-Dazzle one plant showing some flowers
Mahonia, species probably beali, grape holly in front container - a few flowers left - now making berries
Myrica cerifera Southern Wax Myrtle - buds
Narcissus tazetta ‘Grand Primo/ small daffodil, highly recommended for Austin area by Scott Ogden - a few near shed, a lot near veranda steps
Narcissus, unnamed yellow daffodil, in back yaupon bed, in front Butterfly bed and in the parkway - has multiplied and in full bloom. Maybe it's February Gold
Osmanthus fragrans/Sweet olive four shrubs,ALL 4 in bloom
Oxalis crassipes 'Alba' (dotted around and in containers) some flowers
Oxalis regnellii 'Atropurpurea' (dotted around and in containers) scattered flowers
Pelargonium hybrid, 'Fantasia Salmon', zonal geranium in breakfast room window two bud clusters
Rosa banksiae 'Lutea'/ Lady Banks rose - can see tiny buds already formed
Rosmarinus 'Huntington Carpet' dwarf groundcover rosemary - full bloom
Rosmarinus officinalis 'Prostratus' - Prostrate Rosemary w pale blue flowers - in bloom
Rosemarinus officianalis, upright Rosemary - in bloom
Schlumbergera truncata, Thanksgiving cactus - biggest one in breakfast room still opening palest pink flowers
Sophora secudiflora SYN Calia secundiflora Texas Mountain Laurel (4 plants) - three of four plants have buds - one in triangle bed has expanded buds, not quite showing color
Spiraea cantoniensis - guessing name for long-leaved Bridal Wreath spiraeas - can see tiny buds on the shrub at back fence
Tetraneuris scaposa, four nerve daisy Hymenoxys, a couple of flowers plus buds

- Annie in Austin
- Welcome! As "Annie in Austin" I blog about gardening in Austin, TX with occasional looks back at our former gardens in Illinois. My husband Philo & I also make videos - some use garden images as background for my original songs, some capture Austin events & sometimes we share videos of birds in our garden. Come talk about gardens, movies, music, genealogy and Austin at the Transplantable Rose and listen to my original songs on YouTube. For an overview read Three Gardens, Twenty Years. Unless noted, these words and photos are my copyrighted work.
Tuesday, February 17, 2015
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