Carol of May Dreams Gardens will be your guide to what's now blooming in gardens all over the world.
For March 15, 2012 in the garden of Annie in Austin:
Abutilon hybridum 'Marilyn's Choice'- quite a few flowers but gangly looking

Anemone heterophylla 10-petalled anemone, native thimbleweed scattered around back garden
Antirrhinum majus, Yellow snapdragons in containers
Asclepias curassavica, tropical milkweed - surviving plants almost ready to open buds
Callisia fragrans - Diana of Sharing Nature's Garden gave me starts of this Callisia, called Grandfather's Pipe or Basket Plant. It's frost-tender so lives in hanging containers and baskets and comes inside for winter. One plant has put out a stem with tiny white flowers
Capsicum annuum – garden peppers; one new plant has a couple of flowers and so do two lived-over plants.
Cercis canadensis var 'Forest Pansy' - light bloom
Cercis canadensis var texensis - FULL bloom
Chrysactinia mexicana, Creosote bush, native yellow-flowering Damianita - two plants, one still in bud and the other with some open flowers
Citrus x meyeri, Meyer's Improved Lemon, the older tree in a pot is forming buds. This plant stays in the breakfast room for the coldest part of the year
Citrus x meyeri, Meyer's Improved Lemon, newer tree in ground had virtually no dieback and is covered in buds and flowers

Citrus reticulata 'Miho', Miho Satsuma Orange - only a few blossoms, but it's alive!
Clematis hybrid 'Ramona', on trellis couple of buds
Clematis unknown hybrid, purple flowers couple of buds
Consolida ajacis, Larkspur, reseeding annual has buds on a few plants but no open blooms
Coriandrum sativum., cilantro, annual herb - just getting to flowering stage
Cuphea llavea – small pink & lavender form - one flower
Cyclamen persicum/ florist’s cyclamen -several red flowers on plant in breakfast room window
Dianthus – red and pink ‘Telstar’ hybrids in assorted containers
Gaura lindheimerii unknown variety. The survivor is a seedling that may be a cross between deceased dark-rose gaura and deceased 'The Bride'
Gelsemium sempervirens , Carolina Jessamine last couple of blossoms
Graptopetalum paraguayense (Mexican Ghost Plant) - one plant now putting up a bloom stalk
Hesperaloe parviflora, Red yucca blooming stalks raising up now
Hyacinthoides hispanica, Spanish bluebells have buds that are showing color but are not quite open
Ilex antherone? Chinese holly just finishing
Ipheion uniflorum? Spring Starflower, bulbs, opening new flowers daily
Iris albicans? Simple white, early bearded iris - still opening flowers every day
Iris X germanica hybrid Fragrant peachy bearded Iris - unopened buds

Iris X germanica hybrid 'Amethyst Flame' - blooming in 2 beds. This was a passalong from Pam Penick at Digging.
Justicia betonica? White Shrimp Plant - couple of weird flowers with white bracts - an impulse buy still in nursery container
Justicia brandegeana, Shrimp plant in Secret Garden - very happy to be there, too!
Justicia spicigera/ Mexican Honeysuckle - extremely happy! Many, many orange flowers on this plant passed along by my friend Sophia from the Divas of the Dirt.
Lantana, unknown varieties upright lavender and trailing white - both in bloom.
Lobularia maritime, Annual Sweet alyssum in containers
Lonicera sempervirens, coral honeysuckle, in bloom and sending up new shoots from the base
Loropetalum chinense/ Chinese Witch Hazel, Chinese Fringe Flower, Razzle-Dazzle (two plants, one from 2005, one 2009?) Only a few flowers left, but color comes from new leaves
Lupinus texensis, Bluebonnet - quite a few plants in several borders - seed came from MSS of Zanthan Gardens. The red dots say some florets have been pollinated.

Magnolia figo/AKA Michelia figo Banana Shrub - made it so far and is now opening flowers
Matthiola, unknown hybrid, annual fragrant stock - couple of florets
Melampodium leucanthum / Blackfoot daisy, in several beds, frequently annual
Muscari armeniacum grape hyacinth, a few scattered around
Narcissus triandrus 'Thalia' - opened over weekend - most flowers gone but a few still look like daffodils
Nemophila - not sure if they are the native Nemophila insignis/phaceliodes or the Californian Nemophilia menziesii but it's a reseeder called "Baby Blue Eyes". Many Austin Gardenbloggers are sure they have N. phacelioides from MSS of Zanthan, but I didn't get mine from MSS. I bought a plant from a local nursery with only the common name Baby Blue Eyes - no botanical name. A few plants popped up and are budded but not yet in bloom
Osmanthus fragrans/Sweet olive, four shrubs, three established, one in container - they have been blooming for months, but will soon rest.
Oxalis crassipes 'Alba' (dotted around and in containers) - little shamrock-type plants with green leaves and white flowers.
Oxalis regnellii 'Atropurpurea' (dotted around and in containers) - burgundy-leaved shamrock-type plants with paler flowers in a lilac pink.
Pelargonium hybrid, 'Fantasia Salmon', zonal geranium in breakfast room window - a real trouper.
Philadelphus inodorus, English Dogwood/Scentless Mock orange. Suckering native shrub. A lot ot the shrub died but there are many buds and a few open flowers on the part that is alive
Phlox drummondii Annual Phlox - 'Twenty-first Century Hybrid' white - bought a few weeks ago
Phlox subulata/Creeping phlox in lavender blue - gently spreading native with needle-like foliage. Established plants in bloom in different beds.
Phlox subulata/Creeping phlox in magenta pink -gently spreading native with needle-like foliage - new plant in front
Photinia x fraseri - red tip photinia - budding now.
Punica granatum 'Nana'/ dwarf pomegranates, two plants in containers make ornamental flowers/fruit - both with new buds
Ranunculus hybrids, bulbs planted fall 2007 - one surviving bulb has a bud - can see yellow petals inside.
Rosa banksiae 'Lutea'/ Lady Banks rose - full bloom
Rosa 'Belinda's Dream', Pink shrub rose- a handful of buds
Rosa ‘Champagne’ mini rose, delicate pink , two plants - in bud
Rosa 'Climbing Iceberg', white floribunda - buds
Rosa floribunda ‘Julia Child’, butter-yellow rose - a few open flowers, many buds
Rosa 'Mutabilis' (two good-sized plants, one in container, one inground) in bud and bloom

Rosa, unknown variety/ tall pink climber near gate - a few buds
Rosa - unnamed orange mini-rose came with house - one bud
Rosmarinus officinalis 'Prostratus' - Prostrate Rosemary, a few pale blue flowers
Rosmarinus officianalis, upright Rosemary, a few white flowers
Salvia coccinea, white Hummingbird sage - a few flowers
Salvia discolor, Andean Silver Sage - one flower on new plant still in nursery container - no idea where it's going
Salvia elegans/Pineapple sage 1 plant lived over winter and is still in bloom
Salvia farinacea, Mealy Blue sage, wandlike flowers expanding and getting ready to open. Some of these are second-generation - the original seedlings came from Rock Rose.

Salvia greggii, a few plants with red, rose or creamy white flowers are in bloom - no buds on orchid purple but two of the ruby red came from Mindy, another friend from the Divas of the Dirt.
Salvia microphylla 'Hot Lips' 2 of 3 plants alive and in bloom
Salvia vanhoutii SYN Salvia splendens var 'Van Houttei' - new plant still in container has 3 flowers
Scabiosa columbaria ‘Butterfly Blue’/Dwarf Blue Cushionflower, just beginning to open and has backup buds
Schlumbergera truncata, Thanksgiving cactus - one late flower
Sisyrinchium unk species, Blue-eyed grass - tiny iris relative- opened this afternoon
Sophora secudiflora SYN Calia secundiflora- Texas Mountain Laurel, a few florets remain on one of 4 plants - was great this year
Spiraea cantoniensis - guessing name for long-leaved Bridal Wreath spiraeas - just passed prime
Spiraea X vanhouteii guessing name for rounder-leaved spiraeas - just beginning
Tetraneuris scaposa, four nerve daisy, Hymenoxys, several plants, all covered in yellow daisies
Teucrium fruticans, Silver Bush germander - full, beautiful blue-lavender bloom
Trachaelospermum jasminoides, Star Jasmine, Confederate Jasmine, evergreen vine with white, fragrant flowers. Four vines, on veranda, side fence, trellis and shed. just forming buds
Tradescantia geniculata, groundcover , in bloom, also a Passalong Plant from Diva Mindy.
Tulipa clusiana species tulip - only buds
Tulipa clusiana 'Cynthia' species tulip in pink garden buds - only buds
Ungnadia speciosa - new little Mexican Buckeye tree, in pink bloom
Viola spp– various hybrids of Pansies and violas in containers and hanging baskets
Over 80 things on the list - not too bad.
List by Annie in Austin for March 2012 GBBD - posted to Annie's Addendum