Abutilon hybridum 'Marilyn's Choice', a couple of flowers & quite a few buds on a rather spindly plant
Antirrhinum majus, Yellow annual snapdragons in containers
Camellia japonica 'Morning Glow' double white camellia, a few flowers, browned by cold rain

Camellia sasanqua 'Shishi Gashira', one final flower and an unopened bud
Cyclamen persicum/ florist’s cyclamen hybrid - the white plant seen in January gave up for now but the red one has a few flowers
Dianthus, annual - buds only on plants in containers
Gaura lindheimeri, although the original plants died last summer, an unnamed seedling has a few flowers in a pink so pale that it is almost white.
Gelsemium sempervirens , Carolina Jessamine. Severely pruned and now has flowers.
Hyacinth 'Woodstock'/ purple fragrant hyacinth - the flowers are no longer large, but they've returned for years
Ilex antherone? Chinese holly - buds are swelling
Iris albicans? Simple white, early bearded iris; first flowers ruined by cold rain, more bud stalks rising
Justicia brandegeana, Shrimp plant in Secret Garden, been in bloom for months

Justicia spicigera/ Mexican Honeysuckle, part of plant lost tips to cold; other part in bloom
Lantana, unknown varieties upright lavender and trailing white in front borders
Lobularia maritime, annual Sweet alyssum tucked into containers
Lonicera sempervirens, coral honeysuckle; vine had much dieback. Is now leafing out and opening flowers
Loropetalum chinense/ Chinese Witch Hazel, Chinese Fringe Flower, Razzle-Dazzle, one large plant in bloom for months and a newer plant now covered in flowers
Lupinus texensis, Bluebonnet, one open flower with more buds showing
Matthiola, unknown hybrid, annual fragrant stock, one small plant in container - either lived over or self-seeded
Melampodium leucanthum / Blackfoot daisy, in several beds, buds ready to go
Narcissus, unnamed yellow daffodil, came with house. Moved around as new borders are made; now blooming in 4 beds
Osmanthus fragrans/Sweet olive four shrubs, three established, one in container, all covered in flowers and smelling wonderful
Oxalis crassipes 'Alba' , green leaved, in many places, some with white flowers
Oxalis regnellii 'Atropurpurea' , burgundy leaves, in many places, some with pale purple flowers
Pelargonium hybrid, 'Fantasia Salmon', zonal geranium in breakfast room window - six years old and back in bloom again.
Phlox subulata/Creeping phlox in lavender blue - a couple of stray flowers
Phlox subulata/Creeping phlox in magenta pink - just bought in bloom and planted
Rosa floribunda ‘Julia Child’, butter-yellow rose, one open rose, several buds showing color on two plants

Rosa 'Mutabilis', Chinese Butterfly rose; one plant in patio container has a few flowers & some buds. The enormous plant in the ground is fabulous!
Rosemarinus officianalis, upright Rosemary in bloom and making bees happy
Salvia coccinea, white Hummingbird sage, barely died back in winter - now reblooming near patio
Salvia elegans/Pineapple sage 1 plant alive and in bloom in patio container
Salvia greggii, autumn sage, a couple of flowers on cherry red plant in parkway
Schlumbergera truncata, Thanksgiving cactus, last 2 pale pink flowers in breakfast room
Sophora secudiflora SYN Calia secundiflora Texas Mountain Laurel - one plant of four has many, many buds and a few open florets; other 3 have only leaves.
Spiraea cantoniensis - guessing the correct botanical name for a long-leaved Bridal Wreath spiraea near back fence - buds just showing hint of opening
Tetraneuris scaposa, four nerve daisy Hymenoxys, 3 plants in bud and bloom month after month

Teucrium fruticans Silver Bush germander, now in full bloom in parkway, lavender-blue flowers
Viola spp– unnamed hybrids of Pansies in a container and a hanging basket