Here's what was in bloom in my garden on November 15, 2011. (The main garden bloom day post is at my Transplantable Rose blog)
Abelia, guessing Abelia X grandiflora /Five shrubs planted by a previous owner. They looked spindly in summer but are now covered in flowers which are full of bees

Abutilon hybridum 'Patrick's', some buds but no blooms on plant bought in spring. I hope they are really 'Patrick's' when they open!
Ageratina havanensis, syn Eupatorium havanense /Fragrant white mistflower - all three plants still in bud or bloom but with many browned flowers
Asclepias curassavica, tropical milkweed - four plants in bloom - some with odd white blotches on the flowers. I don't remember seeing this before.

Camellia sasanqua 'Shishi Gashira' - has formed some buds
Capsicum annuum – garden peppers - buds and blooms. If covered on cold nights may make a few fruits before deep freezes.
Capsicum annuum /some kind of wild bird peppers but not sure what the right name would be. Flowers pollinated and tiny peppers growing on 3 plants.
Chrysactinia mexicana, native yellow-flowering Damianita -2 plants alive but not thriving; finally see a few buds on one of them
Clematis unknown hybrid, purple flowers - went summer dormant, now has quite a few flowers along with brown leaves
Clerodendrum ugandense – Blue butterfly flower. (AKA Clerodendrum myricoides 'Ugandense' or Rotheca myricoides 'Ugandense') - 1 plant in large container, 1 original plant + 2 clones in ground. Didn't do much in summer but all 4 now have buds and flowers
Clitoria ternatea- the Blue Butterfly Pea, huge amount of foliage with fair amount of flowers
Conoclinium greggii, Gregg’s Mistflower - in large bloom, still attracting a few butterflies
Coreopsis 'Crème Brulee' /Coreopsis one surviving patch just popped a few flowers
Cosmos sulphureus, orange cosmos - a new crop has sprouted from fallen seeds, just starting to bloom
Cuphea ignea, orange Cigar flower - just a couple of blooms on stressed plant
Cuphea llavea – small pink & lavender form - many tiny flowers, beloved of bees
Cuphea llavea –red & purple ‘Batfaced’, one plant, in bloom
Dianthus – one surviving plant of red ‘Telstar’ hybrid in container has a few flowers
Eriobotrya japonica, Loquat, Japanese Plum - established tree has many, many buds; the first flower opened on the 14th; no sign of buds on younger tree.
Euphorbia 'Diamond Frost', four smallish plants, all with some flowers. Frost-tender but roots easily so should take cuttings now.
Gaura lindheimerii ‘The Bride’ native - tiny piece with a wand of flowers - most gaura did not survive summer 2011
Impatiens walleriana, bedding impatiens - one surviving plant in hanging basket
Ipomoea quamoclit, Cypress vine, reseeding annual, winding down but has some flowers left
Justicia brandegeana, Shrimp plant not fabulous, but alive & has a few flowers

Justicia spicigera/ Mexican Honeysuckle - doing well. Not showy but steady production of orange, tubular flowers
Lagerstroemia indica, hot pink crepe myrtles, still a few flowers scattered over 6 trees
Lagerstroemia indica 'Catawba', one of 2 trees has a few remaining blossoms- they do seem preserved rather than actively blooming
Lagerstroemia x fauriei 'Zuni', tree planted early 2011; older flowers gone but a new flush of buds have formed
Lantana, unknown varieties upright lavender and trailing white - in flower
Lavandula intermedia 'Provence', two plants in containers, each with a few flowers and/or buds.
Loropetalum chinense/ Chinese Witch Hazel, Chinese Fringe Flower, Razzle-Dazzle- two plants, each with some flowers left

Lupinus texensis, Bluebonnet - one plant that sprouted under Cosmos last spring survived & grew... now has flower buds.
Lycopersicon lycopersicum, tomatoes - a few flowers on 'Sun Gold' and 'Mexico Midget'
Malvaviscus arboreus var. drummondii/Turkscap or Red Wax Mallow, two small patches, each with flowers
Melampodium leucanthum / Blackfoot daisy, plants added in spring are doing fine in triangle bed and central front bed
Ocimum basilicum, Basil - reseeded Spicy Globe has a few flowers
Origanum majorana, Sweet marjoram- buds
Osmanthus fragrans/Sweet olive three established shrubs starting to bud again after 1/4" rain
Oxalis crassipes 'Alba' found a few flowers
Pavonia lasiopetala, pink rock rose - in words of George Carlin it is More than Happy - had to dig some up because it was smothering damianita
Pelargonium hybrid, 'Fantasia Salmon', zonal geranium in breakfast room window has couple of flower stalks
Perovskia atriplicifolia, Russian Sage - 2 clumps with flowers
Plumbago auriculata - one of two shrubs has flowers
Poliomintha bustamanta, Mexican oregano - 2 of 3 plants have some flowers
Punica granatum 'Nana'/ dwarf pomegranate - two plants in containers, each with flowers and dwarf fruit

Rosa 'Belinda's Dream', Pink shrub rose- exploded into bud and bloom
Rosa ‘Champagne’ mini rose, delicate pink , two plants each with a couple of buds/blooms
Rosa 'Climbing Iceberg', white floribunda - plant rebounding, found 1 bud
Rosa 'Flawless' - pink mini-rose in container, two fading flowers
Rosa floribunda ‘Julia Child’, butter-yellow rose, many flowers done & dropped petals, some opening buds
Rosa 'Mutabilis' (two good-sized plants) - one in back container in light bloom, large plant in front was fabulous a few days ago, fewer flowers now
Rosa, unknown variety/ tall pink climber - couple of buds opening, one faded flower
Rosa /unnamed apricot mini-rose, couple of blooms just dropped petals but I cut one for a vase with the pink cuphea.

Rosa - unnamed orange mini-rose came with house
Rosmarinus 'Huntington Carpet' dwarf groundcover rosemary, a few light blue flowers
Rosmarinus officinalis 'Prostratus' - Prostrate Rosemary, light blue flowers
Rosemarinus officianalis, upright Rosemary - flowers such a pale blue they are almost white
Russelia equisetiformis, Firecracker plant - made it through and in light bloom
Salvia coccinea, reseeding red Hummingbird sage - reseeded and blooming in several places
Salvia coccinea, reseeding white Hummingbird sage - flowering here and there
Salvia coccinea ‘Coral Nymph’, reseeding coral pink Hummingbird sage - see a couple of blooms here & there
Salvia elegans/Pineapple sage - 3 plants died over summer, surviving plant has many flowers
Salvia farinacea, Mealy Blue sage, still some wandlike flowers,
Salvia greggii, almost all plants have some flowers: 'Navajo White', cream, deep rose, true red, cherry red and Orchid-purple
Salvia guaranitica 'Black and Blue' - just a few flowers in back; in front went dormant in heat, is now resprouting
Salvia guaranitica, Majestic blue sage - went dormant, are struggling up and making a few flowers
Salvia madrensis, Forsythia Sage, drought & heat have made both clumps very short in stature but they are budded and ready to open
Salvia microphylla 'Hot Lips' looks like 2 plants survived and have flowers
Salvia regla/Mountain sage - two plants, mostly done but have a few flowers
Salvia vanhoutii SYN Salvia splendens var 'Van Houttei', small plant, quite a few flowers
Scutellaria indica 'Dorota Blue' Blue evergreen groundcover skullcap - one plant in container, clone in the ground; each has a few flowers
Scutellaria suffrutescens, pink skullcap, two plants with some pink blooms
Scutellaria suffrutescens alba? - sort of off-white flowers in long back border/ a skullcap
Scutellaria wrightii?- planted 4 blue skullcaps - one blooming well, one has a few flowers, 2 are dead
Sedum, several unknown species - fading pinkish flowers
Sedum, little varieties with a few white flowers
Tagetes lucida, Mexican Mint Marigold, Texas Tarragon, three plants, one past full bloom, one with many flowers, one just starting, seen here with Salvia farinacea

Tecoma capensis Cape honeysuckle, starter plant in container, old flowers dropped off & new orange buds just opening
Tetraneuris scaposa, four nerve daisy Hymenoxys - just a stray flower here & there on 2 plants
Thunbergia grandiflora, Blue Sky Vine, Bengal Clock vine, in a container next to the white arch. It should be covered in flowers in late fall but the leaves show stress and I only see a couple of buds.

Tradescantia geniculata, trailing white groundcover. Disappears in heat, new regrowth has a few white flowers
Tradescantia pallida, syn Setcresea pallida/ Purple heart - quite a few flowers
Viola spp– just bought a few Pansies for a hanging basket and container on patio table. Liberally sprinkled them with hot pepper & hope squirrels won't kill them
Zinnia linearis/ syn Zinnia angustifolia, couple of plants, blooming but not abundantly.