Abutilon hybridum 'Marilyn's Choice' - first year, buds and blooms
Abutilon hybridum 'Patrick's', think it's named after Patrick Kirwin - couple of buds at top
Asclepias curassavica, tropical milkweed - couple of plants still blooming; one had flowers frozen off & is making new buds
Asclepias curassavica 'Silky Gold' gold cultivar of tropical milkweed - a few buds
Camellia japonica 'Morning Glow' double white camellia - just opening, maybe a dozen buds in all
Camellia sasanqua 'Shishi Gashira' - near end of bloom
Catharanthus roseus - annual vinca- white- one plant near brick housewall still has some flowers

Cuphea llavea – small pink & lavender form - in bloom in protected spot
Cyclamen persicum/ florist’s cyclamen hybrids - blooming inside
Dendranthema x grandiflora?. - ordinary cushion mums - a few pink ones still flowering
Dianthus – couple of flowers on ‘Telstar’ hybrids in containers -
Eriobotrya japonica, Loquat, Japanese Plum - some boughs done, some still in bloom
Euphorbia 'Diamond Frost', one plant frozen, one has a few flowers

Impatiens walleriana, bedding impatiens - blooming in large pot near housewall
Justicia brandegeana, shrimp plant - looks fine and has flowers
Justicia spicigera/ Mexican Honeysuckle - started blooming with cooler weather
Kalanchoe daigremontiana syn. Bryophyllum daigremontianum/ Mother of Thousands, Alligator Plant blooming inside
Lantana, unknown varieties upright lavender and trailing white in front
Lavandula intermedia 'Provence', fragrant in container - maybe a dozen flowers
Leonotus unk sp. Lion's Tail - late blooming, still opening
Lobularia maritime, Sweet alyssum in hanging basket
Lonicera sempervirens, coral honeysuckle - a few flowers on arch
Malvaviscus arboreus var. drummondii/Turkscap or Red Wax Mallow - one lonely blossom
Malvaviscus 'Pam Puryear', Pam's Pink Turkscap - a couple of buds... don't know if they'll ever open now
Melampodium leucanthum / Blackfoot daisy - most plants are done but one plant in front still had flowers
Osmanthus fragrans/Sweet olive three established shrubs - only a few buds and flowers; too dry - not only ground but air dryness is setting them back
Oxalis crassipes 'Alba' (dotted around and in containers) just a couple of flowers
Oxalis regnellii 'Atropurpurea' (dotted around and in containers) just a couple of flowers
Pelargonium hybrid, 'Fantasia Salmon', zonal geranium in breakfast room window keeps going!
Plumbago auriculata only a few flowers near housewall

Rosa floribunda ‘Julia Child’, butter-yellow rose, one bud
Rosa 'Mutabilis' (two good-sized plants) - a few flowers and buds
Rosa 'Red Cascade', mini-climber bought in spring - in bloom - has a few faded flowers - do not see any new buds
Rosmarinus officinalis 'Prostratus' - Prostrate Rosemary, covered in pale blue flowers
Rosemarinus officianalis, upright Rosemary, has white flowers near fountain birdbath
Russelia equisetiformis, Firecracker plant - one plant new buds opening
Salvia elegans/Pineapple sage two plants were still blooming on the 16th
Salvia greggii, some scattered flowers on several plants
Salvia madrensis, Forsythia sage plant in long border still opening buds
Salvia microphylla 'Hot Lips' a few flowers showing white & red

Scutellaria suffrutescens, pink skullcap, two plants dependable pink bloomer a few flowers
Tagetes lucida, Mexican Mint Marigold, Texas Tarragon, here and there a flower left - main bloom gone