For the Garden Blogger Bloom Day post please go to the Transplantable Rose
Abelia chinensis/Abelia, four white shrubs full bloom
Abelia chinensis two unnamed pink shrubs full bloom
Abelia chinensis 'Edward Goucher' smaller pink shrub light bloom
Achillea 'Moonshine', second flush after deadheading
Ageratina havanensis, syn Eupatorium havanense /Fragrant white mistflower - couple of flowers
Anisacanthus quadrifidus var. wrightii, Flame acanthus from Pam/Digging full bloom
Asclepias curassavica, tropical milkweed, first year seedlings just starting to bloom
Asclepias curassavica 'Silky Gold' gold cultivar of tropical milkweed a few flowers
Buddleia davidii Pink Butterfly Bush from Gardener of Good & Evil Lori, budded
Buddleja lindleyana/ Weeping butterfly bush, some flowers on branch tips.
Calibrachoa hybrids, annual, some from Natural Gardener, some from Shoal Creek Nursery- barely blooming - not sure why
Canna X generalis burgundy-leaved canna has one bud showing
Capsicum annuum – garden peppers flowers and a few peppers
Catharanthus roseus - annual vinca or periwinkle- a few plants of pure white blooming in pots
Castilleja indivisa, Texas paintbrush, grown as annual - think there are four plants still showing orange brachts
Chrysanthemem maximum, Shasta daisies - peak bloom is past, but still has flowers
Clerodendrum ugandense – Blue butterfly flower. The original plant survived and has put up one stem. Dear Robin/Get Grounded found some plants for sale and scooped one for me; it now has both buds and some flowers. Thank you, Robin!
(Royal Horticultural Society says it's Clerodendrum myricoides 'Ugandense', nicknamed Blue Cat's Whiskers; Pam/Digging & Dave's Garden calls it Rotheca myricoides 'Ugandense')
Conoclinium greggii, Gregg’s Mistflower - closely related to C. coelestinium, the mistflower I grew in Illinois, but leaves are quite different. It's just starting to open fuzzy lavender purple blooms
Coreopsis 'Crème Brulee' /Coreopsis, one remaining clump survives and is in bloom
Coriandrum sativum., cilantro one remaining plant going to seed
Cosmos sulphureus - think this is the name for annual orange cosmos in full bloom

Cuphea ignea, orange Cigar flower, a handful of little orange flowers
Cuphea llavea –red & purple ‘Batfaced’ in full bloom
Delosperma cooperi ? Dark pink flowered hardy ice plant, spreading over gravel walk in Pink Garden; not much left after winter, but it's alive and has flowers
Dendranthema x grandiflora?. - ordinary cushion mums bought years ago, a few flowers in light pink & plain yellow
Dicliptera suberecta Uraguayan firecracker plant - new small plant just starting to flower
Echinacea purpurea flowers and buds
Echinacea purpurea alba? – a white cultivar in flower
Echinacea purpurea ‘Purple Stars mostly buds
Eucomis unknown species, Pineapple lily - tiny flowers on stalk, turning to seed, it appears

Euphorbia 'Diamond Frost' - two plants, flowers are tiny but nonstop
Gaura lindheimerii ‘The Bride’ white gaura in front bed
Gaura lindheimerii, unknown tall rose-pink variety (‘Pink Cloud’?), lots of buds and some flowers
Habranthus tubispathus, copper lilies, yellow rainlilies - one appeared in the triangle bed
Helianthus, unknown, gigantic, annual sunflower just opening blooms with many buds
Hemerocallis citrina still has buds but past peak
Hemerocallis cultivar 'Best of Friends' from Pam/Digging - a few more buds on two plants
Hemerocallis cultivar 'Prairie Blue Eyes' still has buds but past peak
Hemerocallis passalong 'Vi's Apricot' - one plant has second set of buds
Hibiscus moscheutos ‘Blue River II’, a few huge white flowers each day

Hibiscus syriacus/Rose of Sharon, passalong plant with two colors in bloom
Hosta 'Krossa Regal' one flower stalk
Impatiens walleriana, white bedding impatiens in a few pots
Indigofera amblyantha? /pink false indigo - some arching wands of pale pink flowers.
Ipomoea quamoclit, Cypress vine, reseeding annual, couple of red flowers
Jasminium sambac, Sambac jasmine - lots of flowers! They smell wonderful
Lagerstroemia indica, ubiquitous hot pink...one tree blooming - others thinking about it
Lagerstroemia x hybrida ‘Acoma’ white crepe myrtles (2 trees) full glorious bloom!

Lagerstroemia indica 'Catawba', reddish-purple buds, no flowers yet
Lantana, unknown varieties upright lavender and trailing white in bloom
Lavandula intermedia 'Provence', fragrant, blooming for hummingbirds
Leucophyllum frutescens/ Texas sage AKA Barometer bush AKA Cenizo – one shrub - couple of buds
Liriope muscari/Lilyturf, in long lines all over the place, just thinking about flowers
Lonicera sempervirens, coral honeysuckle in light bloom
Lupinus texensis a couple of seeds germinated late and retain a few flowers
Lycopersicon lycopersicum, tomatoes - few flowers on large varieties, but many flowers on 'Sun Gold' cherry tomato
Malvaviscus arboreus var. drummondii/Turkscap or Red Wax Mallow (two plants),just starting
Melampodium leucanthum / Blackfoot daisy still making flowers but past peak
Myrtus communis nana/ dwarf Greek myrtle - one shrub lots of flowers
Nerium oleander/ double yellow oleander 'Mathilde Ferrier' past peak but has some flowers
Ocimum basilicum, Basil keeps trying to flower... I keep trying to stop it
Oxalis crassipes 'Alba' (dotted around and in containers), looking stressed, few blooms
Oxalis regnellii 'Atropurpurea' (dotted around and in containers), couple of plants in bloom, most looking crispy
Pavonia lasiopetala, pink rock rose, makes flowers but leaves are always mildewed
Pelargonium hybrid, 'Fantasia Salmon', zonal geranium in breakfast room window in bloom
Perovskia atriplicifolia, Russian Sage (two beds), floppy but making flowers
Petunias - one dark-violet hybrid blooming in a hanging basket since winter
Phlox drummondii Annual Phlox most dead but two white ones still trying to bloom in triangle bed
Phlox paniculata 'John Fanick' - budded - new plant - hope it will be pretty!
Platycodon grandiflorus tall Blue Balloon Flower full bloom near veranda

Platycodon 'Miss Tilly' (3 plants), full bloom in Pink Entrance garden and back Yaupon Bed
Plumbago auriculata (two shrubs), just starting to bloom after winter killed them to ground
Poliomintha bustamanta, Mexican oregano (3 plants), all blooming
Portulaca - reseeded Moss Roses and Flowering Purslanes just beginning
Rosa 'Belinda's Dream', Pink shrub rose- buds and flowers but pretty ratty looking
Rosa floribunda ‘Julia Child’, butter-yellow rose, small reflush of flowering
Rosa 'Mutabilis' (two good-sized plants) quite a few flowers in front; not too many on container rose near patio
Russelia equisetiformis, Firecracker plant - just starting to show orange plumes
Salvia elegans/Pineapple sage – a few flowers
Salvia farinacea, Mealy Blue sage, wandlike flowers
Salvia greggii, many plants including 'Navajo White', cream, deep rose, true red, cherry red and Orchid-purple - some random flowers
Salvia guaranitica, Majestic blue sage a few flowers
Salvia guaranitica 'Black and Blue' doing okay
Salvia microphylla 'Hot Lips' - two plants - lots of little flowers
Salvia vanhoutii SYN Salvia splendens var 'Van Houttei' has buds! (new plant from Barton Springs Nursery
Salvia X 'Nuevo Leon' (several borders and containers), scattered small violet flowers
Scabiosa columbaria ‘Butterfly Blue’/Dwarf Blue Cushionflower, one of two plants still has a few flowers
Scutellaria suffrutescens, pink skullcap, two plants in Pink Entrance Garden, dependable pink bloomer
Scuttelaria suffrutescens? unlabeled skullcap blooming paler pink in parking strip bed... looks slightly different from other plants
Scutellaria suffrutescens alba? - label said white skullcap and a few flowers confirm it
Scutellaria wrightii, blue skullcap, one blooming in parking strip bed
Sedum, little varieties with white flowers
Stachys byzantina/ Lambs Ears - they want to bloom and sometimes I let them
Tetraneuris scaposa, four nerve daisy Hymenoxys - two plants with a few flowers on each
Teucrium chamaedrya dwarf green germander - lavender pink flowers
Tradescantia fluminensis? smaller bridal veil type plant near steps to veranda
Tradescantia geniculata, groundcover , light bloom
Tradescantia pallida, syn Setcresea pallida/ Purple Heart, quite a few lavender flowers
Verbena bonariensis –blooming wherever they have reseeded
Viola spp– yellow hybrids violas surviving and blooming in a container where they get afternoon shade
Vitex agnus-castus / Chaste tree - full bloom!

Zinnia linearis/ syn Zinnia angustifolia, reseed each year - very small plants beginning to make buds