Here's a list of whatever plants have dared to make any flowers this July, with what I hope are the correct botanical names:
Abelia chinensis/Abelia, four white shrubs few flowers
Abelia chinensis two unnamed pink shrubs a few flowers
Abelia chinensis 'Edward Goucher' smaller pink shrub a few flowers
Achillea 'Moonshine', a couple of flowers

Anisacanthus quadrifidus var. wrightii, Flame acanthus from Pam/Digging, stressed and flower like paper even with water
Asclepias curassavica, tropical milkweed, one plant looks fabulous, other does not
Calibrachoa hybrids, annual, some from Natural Gardener, some from Shoal Creek Nursery. All alive, but barely. Purple one in basket next to patio door gets most shade and looks best
Ceratostigma plumbaginoides/Hardy Plumbago, AKA Blue Leadwort, couple of blue flowers in shade under live oak
Crocosmia, unidentified may be ‘Lucifer’ - some stalks okay, some fried, some done
Cucurbita pepo, summer squash - pattypans have a few flowers
Cuphea ignea, orange Cigar flower, just a few
Cuphea llavea – small pink & lavender form (two plants) one not too bad, other 1/4 size of last year, few flowers
Cuphea llavea –red & purple ‘Batfaced’- alive and has some flowers
Cuphea llavea 'Georgia Scarlet', alive and has some flowers
Dianthus – several colors of ‘Telstar’ hybrids in assorted containers - here and there a raggedy bloom
Duranta erecta, Skyflower - not many, but there are some blooms.
Echinacea purpurea - lots of plants, some okay, some not. There are a few flowers
Echinacea purpurea alba? – a white cultivar - one plant didn't bloom at all, other has grand total of 3
Evolvulus glomeratus, Blue Daze, several plants, one in bloom
Gaura lindheimerii ‘The Bride’ (two plants)- even the gaura looks bummed
Gaura lindheimerii, unknown tall rose-pink variety (‘Pink Cloud’?), a few straggling flowers
Helianthus, unknown variety of tall annual sunflower with blooms, buds and some heads going to seed
Impatiens walleriana, bedding impatiens. Two plants in big container secret garden alive and have flowers
Indigofera amblyantha? /pink false indigo - one flower
Jatropha integerrima 'Compacta' - awkward plant with bare stems but has popped a few red flowers
Jasminium sambac, Sambac jasmine alive and has 2 buds
Justicia spicigera/ Mexican Honeysuckle a few flowers
Lagerstroemia indica, hot pink crepe myrtles (5 trees), all have some flowers but clusters small and on fewer branches
Lagerstroemia x hybrida ‘Acoma’ white crepe myrtles (2 trees); they keep blooming if I deadhead and I deadhead and water
Lagerstroemia indica 'Catawba', in container, reddish-purple flowers but only on one side of tree.
Lantana, a yellow upright variety has a few flowers in larger triangle bed; trailing lavender and trailing white had some flowers last week, are looking tired today.
Lavendula heterophylla, Sweet Lavender - not new stalks but have a few new florets here and there
Leucophyllum frutescens/ Texas sage AKA Barometer bush AKA Cenizo – one shrub, quite a few flowers.
Lycopersicon lycopersicum, ‘Juliet’ and 'Early Girl' tomatoes have blossoms;
Malvaviscus arboreus var. drummondii/Turkscap or Red Wax Mallow (two plants), a couple on back plant and a few more on one in front.
Melampodium leucanthum / Blackfoot daisy Yes! They aren't doing much in front but bloom in the smaller triangle bed in back
Pelargonium hybrid, 'Fantasia Salmon', zonal geranium in breakfast room window has flowers
Platycodon 'Fuji White', is making a lot of flowers!
Platycodon grandiflorus (several plants), Blue Balloon Flower - should deadhead and they might keep blooming
Platycodon 'Miss Tilly' (3 plants), mostly faded flowers - should deadhead
Plumbago auriculata (two shrubs), going nuts and covered in pale blue flowers – must prune back again
Plumeria unknown species/Frangipani, creamy yellow - one tall original plant with two flower clusters and a small rooted branch with one cluster
Plumeria unknown species/Frangipani, rose red - looks like one branch has buds
Poliomintha longiflora, Mexican oregano (3 plants), flowers and leaves looking very raggedy - a very unusual thing for this tough plant
Portulaca - reseeded Moss Roses and Flowering Purslanes don't care if it's 106°F - still blooming
Rosa 'Belinda's Dream', Pink shrub rose- a couple of blasted flowers and a couple of buds
Rosa floribunda ‘Julia Child’, butter-yellow rose - tried to open a couple of flowers - not very successful,
Rosa 'Mutabilis' (two good-sized plants) still pops an occasional flower
Russelia equisetiformis, Firecracker plant - in light bloom
Salvia coccinea, red Hummingbird sage - many plants and a few flowers
Salvia coccinea, white Hummingbird sage, just a couple
Salvia elegans/Pineapple sage – trying to open flowers but whole stems keep dying off
Salvia farinacea, Mealy Blue sage, two rather new plants, each has a handful of wandlike flowers
Salvia guaranitica 'Black and Blue' - not many but they exist
Salvia microphylla 'Hot Lips' (2 plants), couple of flowers
Scabiosa columbaria ‘Butterfly Blue’/Dwarf Blue Cushionflower, a few buds
Schlumbergera truncata, Thanksgiving cactus
Scutellaria suffrutescens, pink skullcap, two plants - some pink flowers
Vitex agnus-castus / Chaste tree - deadheaded a while ago - has a few buds
Zinnia linearis/ syn Zinnia angustifolia, several plants, abundant white flowers.